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Colour is beautiful, but coloration alone is not enough. Modern paints are complex high- tech products with numerous and diverse functions. Highly sophisticated capabilities are required for their production. HOTEN SUPER FINE range of products (Synthetic Barium Sulfate) provides numerous solutions for the demands nowadays made on quality paints and coatings. For example, they optimize gloss readings. enhance impact strength, are mechanically and chemically stable, and improve rheological properties.

Our synthetic nano barium sulfate particles in high-end coatings are also a convincing example of the quality and cost-efficiency of our products.

In the "white goods"segment of the market, i.e. household appliances such as refrigerators and microwave ovens. up to 30 percent of the titanium dioxide required can be replaced with high-quality HOTEN SUPER FINE crystals in powder coating systems with ultra-thin film thicknesses. this strategy reduces our customers production costs and assures high-quality covering gloss at the same time.




Our Solutions

HOTEN SUPER FINE is extremely dense, inert and has low oil absorption. The low oil absorption and high specific gravity of barium sulfate (4.3) makes it an excellent choice for applications requiring impact resistance and for coatings and inks sold by weight, and not by volume.

The uniquely spherical or near spherical D97 1.2um ultra-fine barium sulfate crystal grains of HOTEN SUPER FINE are provided with big specific surface areas, thereby effective increasing or magnifying the light reflecting area in coating. Therefore it is widely applied in the formula system of high-gloss products.

After a series of chemical treatment reactions, HOTEN SUPER FINE has real pure barium sulfate content as high as 98%. It is insoluble in acid and water and shields ultraviolet radiation and other hazardous rays from penetration. Therefore it is widely applied in the products having strict requirement for high weathering resistance without causing discoloring or chapping.

HOTEN SUPER FINE products have a brightness of 94, and are available in 1, 3, 7 and 10 microns. Their high brightness maintains white coatings, but they have very low tint strength, so they can be used to extend dark color coatings.


Контактная информация Гуанчжоу Hoten химической ООО

Tel: 0086-20-32208037  
Fax: 0086-20-32208050
